Dec 5, 2012

FIFA 13 + Crack

FIFA 13 + Crack

Yooow karena dhizka lebih suka FIFA dibanding PES, jadi share nya ini dulu yaa.. hohoooh
Pasti udah pada tau lah, dari tahu 90-an dulu game bola ini sudah terkenal.. Perkembangan demi perkembangan kerap terus dilakukan.. Terutama masalah graphicnya.. Ini GG abis.. *lebih bagus dari PES.. hahahaha
Apalagi yaa.. ya begitu deh.. lebih detail, lebih bagus.. pemainnya juga baru-baru... Tinggal edit sendiri kalo mau.. hohohoho

Udah deh.. ayoo langsung saja.. :p

Liat trailernya.. keren..

FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world soccer, and is driven by five game-changing innovations which revolutionize artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and physical play. It is the largest and deepest feature set in the history of the franchise. These innovations create a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, deliver freedom and creativity in attack, and capture all the drama and unpredictability of the real-world game.

  • Attacking Intelligence - Players have the ability to analyse space, work harder and smarter to break down the defense, and think two plays ahead. Plus, players make runs that pull defenders out of position and open passing channels for teammates.
  • Complete Dribbling - Face your opponent and use precise dribble touches combined with true 360-degree mobility with the ball. Be more creative and dangerous in 1v1 opportunities.
  • 1st Touch Control - A new system transforms the way players control the ball, eliminating near-perfect touch for every player, and creating more opportunities for defenders to capitalise on errant balls and poor touches to win back possession.

Minimum System Requirements
  • OS: Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
  • CPU: 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo
  • RAM: 2GB RAM for Windows Vista & Windows 7
  • Disc Drive: DVD-ROM at 8x Speed
  • Hard Drive: 8.0 GB, with additional space required for saved games and DirectX 9.0c installation
  • Video: 3D accelerated 256 MB video card with support for Pixel Shader 3.0
  • Minimum Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 3600, NVIDIA GeForce 6800GT
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset
  • Online Multiplayer: 2-22 players, 512 kbits/sec or faster
  • Single System Multiplayer: 2-5 players on 1 PC

Recommended System Requirements
  • OS: Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4g / AMD Athlon II X4 600e 2.2g
  • RAM: 2GB RAM for Windows Vista & Windows 7
  • Disc Drive: DVD-ROM at 8x Speed
  • Hard Drive: 8.0 GB, with additional space required for saved games and DirectX 9.0c installation
  • Video: Nvidia 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 4650
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset
  • Online Multiplayer: 2-22 players, 512 kbits/sec or faster
  • Single System Multiplayer: 2-5 players on 1 PC

As Windows 8 will not be officially released in time for FIFA 13 street date, we will not officially support this operating system for this product.

Download FIFA 13 Via IDWS
Harus Diketik

Download Crack FIFA 13 Via IDWS

Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit ASUS Core i5) Worked
Posted by Admin Rizka

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