Nov 21, 2016

Glary Utilities PRO Full Serial

Glary Utilities PRO Full Serial

Glary Utilities PRO Full Patch, Crack, Serial Terbaru Gratis

Glary Utilities PRO Full Serial - Adalah software utlity yang dapat memperbaiki, mempercepat dan mempertahankan kinerja PC anda. Software ini dapat membersihkan file-file sampah, memperbaiki registry yang error, melakukan disk cleaner dan juga terdapat beberapa fitur unggulan lainnya. JIka PC anda sering lambat atau error maka saya sarankan untuk jangan menginstall ulang wndows, tapi coba dulu mengatasinya dengan sofware Glary Utilities. Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba software ini slahkan didownload.

Glary Utilities PRO 5 Features:
  • Disk Cleaner. Removes junk data from your disks and recovers disk space
  • Registry Cleaner. Scans and cleans up your registry to improve your system’s performance.
  • Shortcuts Fixer. Corrects the errors in your startmenu and desktop shortcuts
  • Startup Manager. Manages programs which run automatically on startup
  • Memory Optimizer. Monitors and optimizes free memory in the background
  • Tracks Eraser. Erases all the traces, evidences, cookies, internet history and more
  • File Shredder. Erases files permanently so that no one can recover them
  • Internet Explorer Assistant. Manages IE Add-ons and restores hijacked settings
  • Disk Analysis. Get details information of the desired files and folders
  • Duplicate Files Finder. Searchs for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files
  • Empty Folders Finder. Find and remove empty folders in your windows
  • Uninstall Manager. Completely uninstall programs you don’t need any more
  • Context Menu Manager. Manage the context-menu entries for files, folders…
  • Process Manager. Monitor programs that run on your PC and stop spyware and Trojans.
  • Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit).
Changes in Glary Utilities PRO
  • Optimized Disk Cleaner: added support for 'Stardock WindowBlinds and 'Free Download Manager'
  • Optimized Tracks Eraser: added support for 'Tag&Rename' and 'Directory Opus'
  • Minor GUI improvements
  • Minor bug fixes
Glary Utilities PRO Full Serial

Newer Version: Glary Utilities PRO

Link Download
Password   Tested : Windows 8

Cara Install:

1. Install Galry Utilities
2. Jalankan software ini setelah selesai diinstall
3. Copy serial yang didapat dan gunakan untuk aktivasi
4. Enjoy.


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