Nov 28, 2016

Windows Firewall Control Full Keygen

Windows Firewall Control Full Keygen

Windows Firewall Control Full Keygen

Windows Firewall Control Full Keygen, Serial, Crack, Patch Terbaru Gratis

Windows Firewall Control - Merupakan software yang dapat membantu kita sehingga dengan mudah dapat mengatur firewall windows. Software ini memberikan empat jenis filtering yang dimana dapat anda pilih sesuai selera yaitu, Low Filtering, Medium Filtering, High Filtering dan No filtering. Windows Firewall Control juga bekerja melalui system tray jadi tidak akan memberatkan kinerja PC anda. Selain itu juga software ini kompatibel dengan windows vista, windows 7, 8 8.1 dan 10. Bagi yang berminat silahkan didownload.

Windows Firewall Control Features:
  • Just one small executable file. All features are packed in the same file.
  • Full support for executing tasks from standard user accounts.
  • Intuitive and easy accessible interface in the system tray.
  • Allow or block a program to connect to the internet with just one mouse click.
  • Shell integration into the right click context menu of the executable files.
  • Search for invalid rules with the possibility to delete them.
  • Quick access to edit Windows Firewall rules directly from the program interface.
  • Choose if you want the program to start at user logon.
  • Import and export the policy of the program.
  • Protection to unauthorized uninstallation.
  • Possibility to restore previous settings at uninstallation.
  • Check for a new version from the program interface.
Changes in Windows Firewall Control (2016-11-27):
  • Improved: When enabling Secure Rules, if there are rules with no group names, WFC offers the user the possibility to add them to the WFC default group name.
  • Improved: Added better support for handling inbound rules with EdgeTraversal set to “Defer to user”. This affects the editing of these rules, group renaming and the relation with Secure Rules which could not add these rules in the Unauthorized Rules group.
  • Fixed: The rules from “mDNS” group are not recognized correctly on Windows 10.
  • Fixed: The updater does not work if the previous service executable file (wfcs.exe) does not exist on disk anymore.
  • Fixed: Exception message is displayed if the service is closed and immediately the user presses the Exit button from the tray icon.
  • Updated: The user manual topics were extended.
Windows Firewall Control Full Keygen
Link Download
Password   Tested : Windows 8

Cara Aktiasi:
1. Ekstrak File yang telah didownload
2. Install software sampai selesai
3. Buka folder keygen dan jalankan keygen dengan run as adaminstrator
4. Gunakan serial yang didapat melalui keygen untuk mengaktivasi
5. Enjoy


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