Nov 25, 2016

WinUtilities Pro 13.19 Full Keygen

WinUtilities Pro 13.19 Full Keygen

WinUtilities Pro 13.19 Full Keygen

WinUtilities Pro 13.19, Patch, Serial, Crack, Serial Terbaru Gratis

Wise Care Professional - Merupakan software utility yang dimana berfungsi untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja PC anda. Jika PC anda sering mengalami error, crash atau sangat lambat maka tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba software ini untuk mengatasinya. Banyk fitur menarik yang ditwarkan software ini diantranya, terdapat registry cleaner, disk defrag, stratup cleaner, memory optimizer, uninstaller dan masih banyak lagi. Hanya dengan sekali klik WinUtilities langsung memperbaiki error pada PC anda sehingga dapat bekerja secara optimal.

WinUtilities Features:
  • Disk Defrag. Defragment your disks and improve computer performance and stability
  • File Undelete. Recovers deleted files on NTFS and FAT volumes.
  • Disk Cleaner. Cleans disks from information that clogs your system and reduces the performance of your computer.
  • Registry Cleaner. Scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the Windows Registry.
  • Startup Cleaner. Helps you to easily manage program execution at windows startup.
  • History Cleaner. Erases all traces of activity on your computer, save spaces and protect your privacy.
  • File Splitter. Splits any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file.WinUtilities
  • File Shredder. Erases files and make sure that no data thief can get his hands on your sensitive data.
  • File Lock and EXE Protector. Protects any Windows executable file with a secure password.
  • Memory Optimizer. Optimizes the Memory Management of Windows.
  • Duplicate Files Finder. Helps you to free disk space by finding and removing duplicate files from your system.
  • Shortcuts Fixer. Provides you with an easy way to address the invalid shortcuts and reports back to you so that you can remove it from your system.
  • Process Manager. Allows you to check your system’s performance and manage the running processes.
  • Uninstall Manager. Manages the programs installed on your system and uninstall unneeded software.
  • System Information. Shows you the detailed information for your computer hardware and software.
  • Registry Search. Searchs the Windows Registry by a specific wildcard. Then you can delete or export them.
  • BHO Remover. Manages the BHOs that are currently installed.
  • Auto Shutdown. Schedules your computer for log off, stand by, hibernate, or shutdown at a specific time.
  • System Control. Organizes and manage your Windows Settings
  • Task Scheduler. Configures the cleaning tasks that take place automatically.
What’s New in WinUtilities 13.19:
  • Adds 5 new history cleaner plugins
  • Improves data recovery undelete module
  • Minor bugs fixes
WinUtilities Pro 13.19 Full Keygen
Link Download
Password   Tested : Windows 8


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